Exposure-dating and glacial-geological data for parts of the Pensacola Mountains adjacent to the Foundation Ice Stream, Antarctica
This page archives data related to exposure-age measurements on glacial deposits from the Schmidt Hills, Williams Hills, and Thomas Hills, which are groups of nunataks in the Pensacola Mountains adjacent to the Foundation Ice Stream in Antarctica. These data were collected by Greg Balco, Claire Todd, Matthew Hegland, Michael Vermeulen, Kathleen Huybers, and Seth Campbell in two field seasons in 2010-11 and 2011-12. In addition, Rob Sievewright and Trevor Hillebrand assisted with laboratory work. This project was funded by U.S. National Science Foundation grants PLR-0838783, PLR-0838784, and PLR-0838256.
Link to proposal project description: PDF
Questions on this page: Greg Balco, balcs@bgc.org
1. Field observations and sample information.
These spreadsheets contain information about the location and physical characteristics of all samples collected during the project. This includes data collected by handheld GPS and barometric altimeter in the field. In addition, they contain some information about which samples were prepared for later analysis, and what sample preparation steps were applied to each sample.
2010-11 field season (Schmidt and Williams Hills): Excel spreadsheet
2011-12 field season (Thomas Hills): Excel spreadsheet
2. Measurements of cosmogenic He-3 in quartz.
We used measurements of cosmogenic helium-3 in quartz as a screening tool to attempt to identify samples that had been exposed for multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. This involved separating a ~150 mg aliquot of quartz by hand-picking from crushed rock, and then determining the amount of helium-3 present by heating the aliquot under vacuum and mass-spectrometrically analysing the released gases. The following spreadsheets contain helium-3 concentrations.
2010-11 field season (Schmidt and Williams Hills): Excel spreadsheet
2011-12 field season (Thomas Hills) as well as some reanalyses of Schmidt and Williams Hills samples: Excel spreadsheet
3. Measurements of cosmogenic Ne-21 in quartz.
We measured cosmogenic Ne-21 in some samples from the Schmidt, Williams, and Thomas Hills. Mainly these measurements were for the purposes of i) getting some idea of the age of various highly weathered surface deposits, and ii) gaining information about whether certain parts of the field area had or had not experienced long periods of ice cover in the past.
Weathered surficial materials from Mt. Yarborough, Thomas Hills: Excel spreadsheet
Holocene-aged glacial erratics from the Williams Hills: Excel spreadsheet
Glacial erratics from the Schmidt Hills: Excel spreadsheet
4. Measurements of cosmogenic Be-10 in quartz.
We measured cosmogenic Be-10 in quartz in a fairly small subset of the total sample set. Analyses of 27 samples collected from the Schmidt and Williams Hills in 2010-11 are complete. Analyses of samples collected from the Thomas Hills in 2011-12 are partially complete.
Data reduction spreadsheet for Schmidt and Williams Hills data: Excel spreadsheet
LLNL-CAMS results spreadsheets for 2010-11 samples: Directory
Data reduction spreadsheet for Thomas Hills data (partially complete): Excel spreadsheet
LLNL-CAMS results spreadsheets for 2011-12 samples: Directory
5. Results of glacial-geologic mapping.
The following are glacial-geologic maps of field areas prepared by Claire Todd and Pacific Lutheran University undergraduate students Michael Vermeulen and Matthew Hegland.
Glacial geologic map of Schmidt Hills: PNG
Glacial geologic map of northern Thomas Hills: PNG
Glacial geologic map of southern Thomas Hills: PNG
The following are posters describing the glacial-geologic maps and related data from various meetings:
Hegland M., Vermeulen M., Todd C., Balco G., Huybers K., Campbell S., Conway H., Simmons C., 2012. Glacial geomorphology of the Pensacola Mountains, Weddell Sea Sector, Antarctica. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Project (WAIS) meeting. PDF poster
Vermeulen M., Todd C., Balco G., Huybers K., Campbell S., Simmons C., 2011. Glacial geomorphology of the Williams and Schmidt Hills, Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, 2011 Annual Meeting. PDF poster