Greg Balco -- Publications
Skip down to abstracts Online geochronology tools The CRONUS-Earth online exposure-age and erosion-rate calculators. Link Media coverage Witness to an Antarctic Meltdown. By Douglas Fox. Scientific American, July 2012, p. 55. Link to online version Link to accompanying slide show The Time I Got Stranded in Antarctica. By Douglas Fox. The Atlantic (online, Jan 8 2014). Link Currently active projects Quaternary fault slip behaviour of the Mission Creek fault of the southern San Andreas fault zone in the San Gorgonio Pass, CA. PIs Kim Blisniuk (BGC/UCB/San Jose State), Greg Balco (BGC), Kate Scharer (USGS). Southern California Earthquake Center. PDF of project description Terrestrial exposure-age constraints on the Last Glacial Maximum extent of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the western Ross Sea. PIs: Greg Balco, Claire Todd (Pacific Lutheran University), Brent Goehring (Purdue). National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs.PDF of project description. Production and diffusion of cosmogenic noble gases: Using open-system behavior to study surface processes. PIs David Shuster, Greg Balco. National Science Foundation, EAR - Petrology and Geochemistry/Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics. PDF of project description Antarctic Peninsula exhumation and landscape development investigated by low-temperature detrital thermochronometry. PIs Greg Balco, David Shuster. National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. PDF of project description (as submitted..note that this project was partially funded and correspondingly reduced in scope). Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology and the Greenland ice core record using meteoric Be-10 flux. PIs Greg Balco, Paul Bierman, Jack Ridge, Dylan Rood. National Science Foundation, Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) program. PDF of project description Relatively recently completed projects Acquisition of a noble gas analysis facility for surface process studies at the Berkeley Geochronology Center. PIs David Shuster, Greg Balco. National Science Foundation, EAR I&F. PDF of project description Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation chronology for the Foundation Ice Stream and southeast Weddell Sea embayment. PIs Greg Balco, Claire Todd, Howard Conway. National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. PDF of project description Systematic analysis of landscape evolution and surface ages in the southern Transantarctic Mountains. PIs Jaakko Putkonen, Greg Balco, David Shuster. National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. PDF of project description Extending the record of Antarctic landscape evolution into the Pliocene with cosmogenic Ne-21 measurements. PIs Greg Balco, David Shuster. National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. PDF of project description An absolute chronology of the southernmost advances of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. PIs John Stone, Greg Balco, Charles Rovey. National Science Foundation (Geomorphology and Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology programs). 2006-2008. PDF of proposal Erosion beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet and its role in Pleistocene ice age dynamics. PI John Stone. National Science Foundation (Geology and Paleontology program). 2002-2005. PDF of proposal Data repository Completed manuscripts: in review, in revision, and in press...with links when available Borchers B., Marrero S., Balco G., Caffee M., Goehring B., Gosse J., Lifton N., Nishiizumi K., Phillips F., Schaefer J., Stone J., in review. Geological calibration of spallation production rates in the CRONUS-Earth project. Schaefer J.M., Winckler G., Blard P.-H., Balco G., Shuster D.L., Friedrich R., Jull A.J.T., Wieler R., Schluecter C., in press. Performance of CRONUS-P -- a pyroxene reference material for helium isotope analysis. Blard P.-H., Balco G., Burnard P.G., Farley K.A., Fenton C.R., Friedrich R., Jull A.J.T., Niedermann S., Pik R., Schaefer J.M., Scott E.M., Shuster D.L., Stuart F.M., Stute M., Tibari B., Winckler G., Zimmermann L., in press. An inter-laboratory comparison of cosmogenic He-3 and radiogenic He-4 in the CRONUS-P pyroxene standard. Balco G., Stone J.O.H., Sliwinski M., Todd C., in press. A few things about the glacial history of the Transantarctic Mountains inferred from cosmogenic Al-26, Be-10, and Ne-21 concentrations in bedrock surfaces. Vermeesch P., Balco G., Blard P-H., Dunai T.J., Kober F., Niedermann S., Shuster D.L., Strasky S., Stuart F.M., Wieler R., Zimmermann L., in press. Interlaboratory comparison of cosmogenic Ne-21 in quartz. Manuscripts that slipped through the cracks Rovey C.W., II, Balco G., Forir M., Gaunt D.. Stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, and cosmogenic-isotope burial dates of fossil-bearing strata within Riverbluff Cave, Greene County, Missouri. Reviewed and, I think, accepted by the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, yet never published. PDF Balco G., Stone J.O.H., Jennings C.E. Fate of the preglacial regolith beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Rejected a couple of times by various outlets.PDF draft Published 2015 Rovey C.W. II, Balco G., 2015. Paleoclimatic interpretations of buried paleosols within the pre-Illinoian till sequence in northern Missouri, USA. 2014 Tremblay M., Shuster D.L., Balco G., 2014. Diffusion kinetics of He-3 and Ne-21 in quartz and implications for cosmogenic noble gas paleothermometry. Putkonen J., Morgan D., Balco G., 2014. Boulder weathering in McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Tremblay M., Shuster D., Balco G., 2014. Cosmogenic noble gas paleothermometry. Johnson J.S., Bentley M.J., Smith J.A., Finkel R.C., Rood D.H., Gohl K., Balco G., Larter R.T., Schaefer J.M., 2014. Rapid thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the early Holocene. Dethier D.P., Ouimet W., Bierman P.R., Rood D.G., Balco G., 2014. Basins and bedrock: spatial variation in Be-10 erosion rates and increasing relief in the southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Geology, 42, pp. 167-170. PDF Balco G., 2014. Simplified computer code for estimating cosmic-ray shielding due to oddly shaped objects. Quaternary Geochronology, available online 1 Jan 2014. PDF   Code 2013 Balco G., Soreghan G.S., Sweet D.E., Marra K.R., Bierman P.R., 2013. Cosmogenic-nuclide burial ages for Pleistocene sedimentary fill in Unaweep Canyon, Colorado, USA. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 18, pp. 149-157. PDF Altman, N.S., Balco, G., Crainiceanu, C., Gehrels, W.R., Qui, J., Staudenmayer, J., Sullivan, P., 2013. Statistical modeling of changes in relative sea level in Maine during the Holocene Era. Environmetrics, 24, pp. 298-305. PDF Balco G., Finnegan N., Gendaszek A., Stone J.O.H., Thompson N., 2013. Erosional response to northward-propagating crustal thickening in the coastal ranges of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. American Journal of Science 313, pp. 790-806. PDF
Jungers M.C., Heimsath A.M., Amundson R., Balco G., Shuster D., Chong G., 2013 in press. Active erosion-deposition cycles in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 371-372, pp. 125-133. PDF Finnegan N.J., Balco G., 2013. Sediment supply, base level, braiding, and bedrock river terrace formation: Arroyo Seco, California, USA. Campbell S., Balco G., Todd C., Conway H., Huybers K., Simmons C., Vermeulen M., 2013. Radar-detected englacial stratigraphy in the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: implications for recent changes in ice flow and accumulation. Balco G., Schaefer J.M., LARISSA group, 2013. Exposure-age record of Holocene ice sheet and ice shelf change in the northeast Antarctic Peninsula. 2012 Ridge, J.C., Balco, G., Bayless, R.L., Beck, C.C., Carter, L.B., Dean, J.L., Voytek, E.B., Wei, J.H., 2012. The new North American Varve Chronology: a precise record of southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation and climate, 18.2 - 12.5 kyr BP, and correlations with Greenland ice core records. Gourbet L., Shuster D.L., Balco G., Cassata W.S., Renne P.R., Rood D., 2012. Neon diffusion kinetics in olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar: retentivity of cosmogenic
and nucleoenic neon. Shuster D.L., Farley K.A., Vasconcelos P.M., Balco G., Monteiro H.S., Waltenberg K., Stone J.O., 2012. Cosmogenic He-3 in hematite and goethite from Brazilian
"canga" duricrust demonstrates the stability of these surfaces. Putkonen J., Morgan D., Balco G., 2012. Regolith transport quantified by braking block, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Geomorphology. PDF 2011 Renne P., Balco G., Ludwig K., Mundil R., Min K., 2011. Response to the comment by W.H. Schwarz et al. on "Joint determination of K-40 decay constants and Ar-40*/K-40 for the Fish Canyon sanidine standard, and improved accuracy for Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology" by P.R. Renne et al. (2010). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 75, pp. 5097-5100. Comment (PDF)   Reply (PDF) Rovey C.W., II, Balco G., 2011. Summary of early and middle Pleistocene glaciations in northern Missouri, USA. in Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L., Hughes, P.D., eds., Quaternary Glaciations, Extent and Chronology, pp. 553-561. PDF Balco G., Purvance M., Rood D., 2011. Exposure dating of precariously balanced rocks. Quaternary Geochronology 6, pp. 295-303. PDF - Corrigendum . Shuster D.L., Cuffey K.M., Sanders J.W., Balco G., 2011. Thermochronometry reveals headward propagation of erosion in an alpine landscape. Balco G., 2011. Contributions and unrealized potential contributions of cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating to glacier
chronology, 1990-2010. 2010 Balco, G., 2010. Review of Cosmogenic Nuclides: Principles, Concepts, and Applications in the Earth Sciences, by Tibor Dunai. Quaternary Geochronology 5, p. 705. PDF. Farley K.A., Shuster D.L., Watson E.B., Wanser K.H., Balco G., 2010. Numerical investigations of apatite He-4/He-3 thermochronometry. Rovey C.W., II, Bettis, E.A., III, Balco, G., Kean, W.F., 2010. A paleomagnetic reversal within the pre-Illinoian Alburnett Formation, eastern Iowa. in Marshall, T. and Fields, C., eds., The Geology of Klein and Conklin Quarries, Johnson County, Iowa: Geological Society of Iowa Guidebook 87, pp. 161-172. PDF Morgan D., Putkonen J., Balco G., Stone J., 2010. Quantifying regolith erosion rates with cosmogenic nuclides Be-10 and Al-26 in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 115, p. F03037. PDF Morgan D., Putkonen J., Balco G., Stone J., 2010. Degradation of glacial deposits quantified with cosmogenic nuclides, Quartermain Mountains, Antarctica.
Balco G., Rovey C.W., II., 2010. Absolute chronology for major Pleistocene advances of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Renne P.R., Mundil R., Balco G., Min K., Ludwig K.R., 2010. Joint determination of K-40 decay constants and Ar-40*/K-40 for the Fish Canyon sanindine standard, and
improved accuracy for Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology. Goehring, B., Kurz, M.D., Balco, G., Schaefer, J.M., Licciardi, J., Lifton, N., 2010. A reevaluation of in-situ cosmogenic He-3 production rates. Quaternary Geochronology 5, pp. 410-418 PDF Rovey, C.W., II, Forir, M., Balco, G., Gaunt, D., 2010. Geomorphology and paleontology of Riverbluff Cave, Springfield, Missouri, in Evans, K.R. and Aber, J.S., eds., From Precambrian Rift Volcanoes to the Mississipian Shelf Margin: Geological Field Excursions in the Ozark Mountains: Geological Society of America Field Guide 17, pp. 31-38. Schildgen T.F., Balco G., Shuster D.L., 2010. Canyon incision and knickpoint propagation recorded by apatite He-4/He-3 thermochronometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 293, pp. 377-387. PDF
Shuster D.L., Balco G., Cassata W.S., Fernandes V.A., Garrick-Bethell I., Weiss B.P., 2010. A record of impacts preserved in the lunar regolith. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
290, pp. 155-165. PDF 2009
Balco G., Shuster D.L., 2009. Al-26 - Be-10 - Ne-21 burial dating. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. PDF of article Supplementary
Table S1 2008 Balco, G., Rovey C.W. II, 2008. An isochron method for cosmogenic-nuclide dating of buried soils.Putkonen J., Balco G., Morgan D., 2008. Slow regolith degradation without creep determined by cosmogenic nuclide measurements in Arena Valley, Antarctica. Quaternary Research 69, pp. 242-249. PDF Balco G., Stone J., Lifton N., Dunai T., 2008. A simple, internally consistent, and easily accessible means of calculating surface exposure ages and erosion rates from Be-10 and Al-26 measurements. Quaternary Geochronology 3, pp. 174-195. PDF Link to online exposure age calculators 2007 Jennings C.E., Aber J.S., Balco G., Barendregt R., Bierman P.R., Rovey C.W., Roy M., Thorleifson L.H., Mason J.A., 2007. Glaciations: mid-Quaternary in North America. in Elias S.A., ed., Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Volume 2, pp. 1044-1051. PDFBalco, G., 2007. A surprisingly large marine ice cap at Heard Island during the Last Glacial Maximum? in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World -- Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, editedby A.K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstract 147, 4 p. PDF Poster (12 MB PDF) Putkonen J., Rosales M., Turpen N., Morgan D., Balco G., and Donaldson M., 2007. Regolith transport in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World -- Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K. Cooper and C. R. Raymond et al. USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Short Research Paper 103. PDF 2006 Balco, G., Schaefer, J., 2006. Cosmogenic-nuclide and varve chronologies for the deglaciation of southern New England. Quaternary Geochronology 1, pp. 15-28. PDFBalco, G., Cowdery, S., Todd, C., Stone, J.O.H., 2006. Antarctic ice sheet reconstruction using cosmic-ray-produced nuclides. in Knight, P., ed., Glaciers and Earth's Changing Environment, pp. 221-223. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. PDF 2005 Balco, G., Stone, J.O.H., 2005. Measuring middle Pleistocene erosion rates with cosmic-ray-produced nuclides in buried alluvial sediment, Fisher Valley, southeastern Utah. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30, pp. 1051-1067. PDFBalco, G., Stone, J.O.H., Mason, J., 2005. Numerical ages for Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediment sequences by Al-26/Be-10 dating of quartz in buried paleosols. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 232, pp. 179-191. PDF Sugden D., Balco G., Cowdery S., Stone J.O.H., Sass L., 2005. Selective glacial erosion and weathering zones in the coastal mountains of Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. Geomorphology 67, pp. 317-334. PDF Balco, G., Stone, J.O.H., Jennings, C., 2005. Dating Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediments using the cosmic-ray-produced radionuclides Be-10 and Al-26. American Journal of Science 305, pp. 1-41. PDF Balco, G., Rovey, C.W., Stone, J.O.H., 2005. The First Glacial Maximum in North America. Science 307, p. 222. PDF 2003 Stone, J.O.H., Balco, G., Sugden, D., Caffee, M., Sass, L.C. III, Cowdery, S., Siddoway, C., 2003. Holocene deglaciation of Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica. Science 299, p. 99. PDF2002 Balco, G., Stone. J.O.H., Porter, S.C., Caffee, M., 2002. Cosmogenic-nuclide ages for New England coastal moraines, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, pp. 2127-2135. PDF2001 Montgomery, D., Balco, G., Willett, S., 2001. Climate, tectonics, and the morphology of the Andes. Geology 29, pp. 579-582. PDFDorion, C.C., Balco, G., Kaplan. M.R., Kreutz, K.J., Wright, J., Borns, H.W., 2001. The Deglaciation of Eastern Maine. in Retelle, M. and Weddle, T., eds., Deglacial History and Relative Sea-Level Changes, Northern New England and Adjacent Canada: Geological Society of America Special Paper 351. 1998 Balco, G., Belknap, D.F., and Kelley, J.T., 1998. Glacioisostasy and lake-level change, Moosehead Lake, Maine. Quaternary Research 49, pp. 157-170. PDFAbstracts: recent and upcoming abstracts; also older abstracts of work not published elsewhere 2014 Moening-Swanson I., Todd C.E., Balco, G., 2014. Mapping glacial geologic deposits at Tucker, Mariner, and Aviator Glaciers in the Northwestern Ross Sea. Geological Society of America, 2014 Annual Meeting. Link Bibby T., Putkonen J., Morgan D., Balco G., 2014. Production and preservation of sublimation till determined with Al-26 and Be-10, Ong Valley, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, 2014 Annual Meeting. Link DeJong, B.D., Balco G., Ridge J.C., Rood D.H., Bierman P.R., 2014. Synchronizing North American varved sediments with Greenland ice using meteoric Be-10 flux records. Geological Society of America, 2014 Annual Meeting. Link Van Arsdale R.B., Balco G., Bierman P., Rood D.H., Rovey C., Cox R.T., Lumsden D.N., Parks A., 2014. The Pliocene Mississippi River. Geological Society of America, 2014 Annual Meeting. Link Ridge J.C., Balco G., Beck C.C., Bayless R.L., Carter L.B., Dean J.D., Voytek, E.B., Wei, J.H., 2014. GSA Quaternary Geolgy and Geomorphology Division Kirk Bryan Award: A comprehensive deglacial time scale for the northeastern united states: varves, radiocarbon ages, paleomagnetism, and cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating. Geological Society of America, 2014 Annual Meeting. Link 2013 Dethier D.P., Ouimet W.B., Bierman P.R., Rood D.H., Balco, G., 2013. Spatial variation in Be-10 erosion rates and increasing relief in the southern Rocky Mountains. Geological Society of America, 2013 Annual Meeting. Link Putkonen J., Giusti C., Hoeft E., Morgan D., Balco G., 2013. Intriguing glacial flow patterns, Moraine Canyon, Antarctica. Geological Society of America 2013 Annual Meeting. Link Shuster D.L., Tremblay M.M., Balco G., 2013. Production and diffusion of cosmogenic noble gases: using open-system behavior to study surface processes. Goldschmidt Conference 2013. Link Tremblay M.M., Shuster D.L., Balco G., 2013. Quantifying the open-system behavior of cosmogenic noble gases in quartz. Goldschmidt Conference 2013. Link DeJong B.D., Balco G., Ridge J.C., Rood D.H., Bierman P.R., 2013. Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records during late MIS 2 using meteoric Be-10 flux. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU2013-1140 (EGU General Assembly 2013). Link DeJong B.D., Balco G., Ridge J.C., Rood D.H., Bierman P.R., 2013. Towards synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric Be-10 flux. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 48th Annual Meeting. Link Amidon W.H., Anderson A.J., Balco G., Shuster D.L., 2013. Low temperature thermal history of the Conway Granite, NH. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 48th Annual Meeting. Link 2012 Rood D.H., Anooshehpoor R., Balco G., Biasi G.P., Brune J.N., Brune R., Grant Ludwig L., Kendrick K.J., Purvance M, Saleeby I., 2012. Testing seismic hazard models with Be-10 exposure ages for precariously balanced rocks. AGU Fall Meeting, T13D-2632. PDF DeJong B., Balco G., Ridge J.C., Rood D.H., Bierman P.R., 2012. Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric Be-10 flux. AGU Fall Meeting, GC33B-1017. PDF Finnegan N.J., Balco G., 2012. Braiding, sediment supply, and paired strath terrace formation. AGU Fall Meeting, EP51A-0963 (invited). PDF Jungers M.C., Heimsath A.M., Amundson R., Balco G., Shuster D.L., Chong G., 2012. Mid-Pleistocene erosion-deposition cycles in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of northern Chile. AGU Fall Meeting, EP51E-03. PDF Balco G., Todd C.E., Huybers K.M., Hegland M., 2012. Ingredients for a value-neutral target data set of exposure-age constraints on ice sheet thickness change. AGU Fall Meeting, C53E-03 (invited). PDF Huybers K.M., Roe G., Conway H., Balco G., Todd C.E., 2012. Linkage between Grounding Line Dynamics and Geological Observations in the Weddell Sea Sector of Antarctica. AGU Fall Meeting, C53E-04. PDF Putkonen J., Morgan D.J., Balco G., 2012. Landscape Degradation and Regolith Transport in McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. AGU Fall Meeting, EP53E-1081. PDF Balco G., Shuster D.L., 2012. Quantifying selective linear erosion in Antarctica. AGU Fall Meeting, EP54B-02 (invited). PDF Hegland M., Vermeulen M., Todd C., Balco G., Huybers K., Campbell S., Conway H., Simmons C., 2012. Glacial geomorphology of the Pensacola Mountains, Weddell Sea Sector, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, 2012 Annual Meeting.Link Hegland M., Vermeulen M., Todd C., Balco G., Huybers K., Campbell S., Conway H., Simmons C., 2012. Glacial geomorphology of the Pensacola Mountains, Weddell Sea Sector, Antarctica. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Project (WAIS) meeting.Link to abstract volume Putkonen J., Bibby T., Morgan D., Balco G., Giusti C., Matheney R., 2012. Geomorphology and regolith erosion rates from ice-free valleys in the Southern Transantarctic Mountains. 32nd SCAR Open Science Conference. PDF Balco G., LARISSA project. Terrestrial exposure-age record of ice sheet and ice shelf change, northeast Antarctic Peninisula. Korea Polar Research Institute, 18th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, Jeju, Korea, May 2012. 2011 Bibby T., Putkonen J., Morgan D., Balco G., Matheney R.K., 2011. What could possibly happen in a million years? Landscape evolution in the southern Transantarctic Mountains. Geological Society of America, 2011 Annual Meeting. Link Vermeulen M., Todd C., Balco G., Huybers K., Campbell S., Simmons C., 2011. Glacial geomorphology of the Williams and Schmidt Hills, Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, 2011 Annual Meeting. Link Ridge J.C., Balco G., Beck C.C., Voytek E.B., 2011. The new North American Varve Chronology: a record of southeastern Laurentide deglaciation and climate: 18.5-12.5 kyr BP. Geological Society of America, 2011 Annual Meeting. Link Rood D.H., Anooshehpoor R., Balco G., Brune J., Brune R., Grant Ludwig L., Kendrick K., Purvance M., Saleeby I., 2011. New Be-10 exposure ages and fragilities for precariously balanced rocks test PSHA and rupture models in southern California. Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) 2011 Annual meeting. PDF Balco G., Shuster D.L., Blard P-H., Zimmermann L., Stone J., 2011. Cosmogenic Ne-21 production systematics in quartz inferred from a 25-meter sandstone core. Goldschmidt Conference 2011. PDF of abstract PDF of poster Goehring B., Balco G., 2010. Improving cosmogenic-nuclide burial dating. INQUA 2011 (invited). Link Morgan D.J., Putkonen J., Balco G., 2011. Determining rates of geomorphic processes over multiple timescales with cosmogenic nuclides AL-26, Be-10, and Ne-21. International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2011. PDF 2010 Marra K.R., Soreghan G.S., Soreghan, M.J., Balco, G., 2010. Late Cenozoic evolution of Unaweep Canyon (Colorado Plateau) from new sedimentologic and geochronologic results. 2010 GSA Annual Meeting. Link Renne P.R., Mundil R., Balco G., Min K., Ludwig K.R., 2010. Unleashing the full potential of the Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronometer. 2010 Goldschmidt conference. PDF Putkonen J., Morgan D., Balco G., 2010. Regolith erosion from years to millions of years: Dry Valleys, Antarctica. SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF Shuster D.L., Cuffey K.M., Sanders J.W., Balco G., 2010. Patterns of relief development in a glacial landscape constrained by apatite He-4/He-3 thermochronometry. Thermo2010 conference, Glasgow, Scotland. PDF Farley K.A., Shuster D.L., Balco G., 2010. Exploring fundamental assumptions of He thermochronometry. Thermo2010 conference, Glasgow, Scotland. PDF Balco G., Rovey C., 2010. Cosmogenic-nuclide burial dating of early and middle Pleistocene glacial sediments. Geological Society of America North Central and South Central sections, 44th annual meeting, Branson, MO. Link to abstract Rovey C., Balco G., 2010. Lithology and stratigraphic sequence of pre-Illinoian tills in Nebraska and western Iowa. Geological Society of America North Central and South Central sections, 44th annual meeting, Branson, MO. Link to abstract Rood D.H., Balco G., Purvance M., Anooshehpoor R, Brune J., Grant Ludwig L., Kendrick K., 2010. Dating precariously balanced rocks using Be-10 with numerical models. 2010 Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting. Link to abstract 2009 Morgan D., Putkonen J., Balco G., Stone J., 2009. Sublimation of ground ice and erosion of glacial deposits quantified with cosmogenic nuclides, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. 2009 AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract Schildgen T.F., Balco G., Shuster D.L., Ehlers T.A., Hodges K., Whipple K.X., 2009. Thermochronometer and Numerical Modeling Constraints on Canyon Incision and Topographic Evolution, SW Peru. 2009 AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract Williams R.W., Gaffney A.M., Balco G., Bates C.R., Conrado C.L., Crable A.R., Faye S.A., Kelley M.P., Williams S.M., 2009. Local and global fallout preserved in lake sediment from the Sierra Nevada, California. 4th Annual Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry, Napa, CA. PDF
Fletcher K., Le K., Rockwell T.K., Balco G., Oskin M., Sharp W., 2009. Comparison of ages from U-series on pedogenic carbonate and Be-10 depth profiles for two late
Pleistocene alluvial fans in southern California. 2009 GSA Annual Meeting. Link 2008 Balco G., Rovey C.W., 2008. Absolute chronology for early and middle Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheets from multiple-cosmogenic-nuclide dating methods.Morgan D.J., Putkonen J., Balco G.,Stone J., 2008. Colluvium Erosion Rates in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Balco G., Shuster D.L., Morgan, D., Putkonen, J., 2008. Combined measurements of cosmogenic Be-10, Al-26, and Ne-21 in quartz used to discern temporal changes in rates of Antarctic landscape evolution. Schildgen T.F., Ehlers T.A., Hodges K.V., Whipple K.X., Shuster D.L., Balco, G., 2008. Long-term Canyon Incision From Low-Temperature Thermochronology. Balco G., Putkonen J., Morgan D., Schaefer J., Winckler G., 2008. Bedrock erosion rates in the Antarctic Dry Valleys. Balco G., Rovey C., Granger D., 2008. Multiple-cosmogenic-nuclide isochron methods. Schaefer J., Balco G., Kelly M., Hanson G., Finkel R., McCabe M., Steinberg R., Boothroyd J., Schwartz R., 2008. The last deglaciation of the eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet. Pre-2008, not otherwise published Balco, G., Anders, A., Finnegan, N., Gran, K., Mitchell, S., Stone, J.O.H., 2002. Be-10 measurements of soil balance and landscape stability in the Pacific Northwest. Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H22B-0895. PDF poster (large file)Balco G., Stone J.O.H., Caffee M., Parnachov S., 2000. Cosmogenic-isotope ages for Siberian megafloods, Altai Republic, Russia. GSA Abstracts with Programs [2000 Annual Meeting], v. 32, no. 6, p. 117. More information Balco G. The sedimentary record of subglacial erosion by the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington, 2004. PDF |